Month: January 2022

Ep 200 – Polyvagal Theory & Getting to 200

Laura is hoping to learn to swim this year. Zach brings back his dad jokes.  Laura brings the topic of Polyvaga Theory as a way to identify how we feel in a moment, giving us another tool to improve the way we relate to our partner.  Help us celebrate 200 episodes by giving us a rating…

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Ep 199 – Reconnecting with Steve & Lisa Call

Zach and Laura connect with Zach’s first clinical supervisor and his wife, Steve & Lisa Call. They discuss the Call’s unique approach to inviting couples into a reconnected intimacy through the means of their individual stories.  You can learn more about the Calls and their work at 

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Ep 198 – Consent

Zach’s hair is apparently looking good. Laura shows her lack of knowledge of the Marvel Universe. Zach is getting into meditation. They both share some insights they have recently received from clients.  They go on to discuss consent, but probably not in the way you are thinking. 

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Ep 197 – New Year’s Values and Practices

Laura had a hard Christmas. Zach is leaning into virtual reality. They discuss the fun new games they have been playing lately.    Zach shares how dying repeatedly in his new VR game has taught him some valuable tools for how to engage in conflict and relational failure. He and Laura then share some New…

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